How to connect with Google Ad Manager
We've updated the DFP ad integration - DoubleClick for Publishers, now Google Ad Manager. Now our client can connect his ads to the Live Blog in a simpler and more synchronized way, following the steps below.
The first step is to create a Google API project in order to get Client ID and Client Secret. Follow the instructions to get credentials file (client_secret.json) and upload it on the field below:
On the top, right next to “Google Cloud” click on the dropdown (project list)
If you have already created the Arena project (it appears on the list), select it, click on Credentials and go to step 09. If not, continue to step 7
Click on the NEW PROJECT button on the top right to create a new project.
Enter Arena AdManager for project name and click on the Create button
Click on project selection, wait for the project to be created and then and select Arena AdManager as the current project
In the left menu, click on Credentials
Click on the Create Credentials button and select Service Account
Set Arena AdManager value in the “Service Account Name” field
Click on Create and Continue, and then click Done
Click on the last created Service Account to edit it
Copy the email of the Service Account, which will be used later
Go to the Keys tab
Click on Add Key > Create new key
Select JSON and click on Create
Upload the downloaded file below
Log into your AdManager account:
On the left menu, navigate to Admin > Global settings
Enable API Access toggle
Click on Add a service account user
Name: Arena Service Account, Email/confirm: paste Service Account Email, copied on step 12, and save
Copy the Network code at the top and paste it in the input below
If the website is managed by a parent Network, add the Children Network Code
How to connect with Google Adsense
The first step is to create a Google API project in order to get Client ID and Client Secret. Follow the instructions to get credentials file (client_secret.json) and upload it on the field below.
On the top, right next to "Google Cloud Platform" click on the dropdown (project list)
If you've already created the Arena project (it appears on the list), select it, click on Credentials and go to step 06
Click on the NEW PROJECT button sign on the top right to Create a new project
Enter Arena for project name and click on the Create button
Click on project selection, wait for the project to be created and then and select Arena as the current project
Search for AdSense and enable AdSense Management API
Click on Create credentials
In OAuth Consent Screen section, enter the App name (Arena Adsense), your email in the required fields and skip App logo
In "What data will you be accessing?" select User data and hit next
Skip the Scopes section by clicking on Save and Continue
In OAuth Client ID section, select Web application
In Name, enter Arena Adsense
In Authorized redirect URIs, click ADD URI (URIs 1), paste the following URL:
and click CREATE.In Download your credentials, click DOWNLOAD
Upload the downloaded file below
Arena team.