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Airship Destination

Airship Personas integration

Paulo avatar
Written by Paulo
Updated over a week ago

Airship gives brands the data, channels, orchestration and services they need to deliver push notifications, emails, SMS, in-app messages, and more to the right person in the right moment — building trust, boosting engagement, driving action and growing value.

Airship Destination integration enables users to set Airship Tags and Custom Events through Arena Identify and Track events.

Getting Started

Follow these steps on Arena to configure the integration:

  1. From your Arena UI’s Integrations page click on “Add Destination”.

  2. Search for “Airship” within the Destinations list.

  3. Drop in the “API Key” into your Settings UI. Steps to create an Access Token to enable integration from Airship outlined here. Save this Access Token & API Key for the pasting into Arena Settings UI.

  4. For Identify Events, be sure to set up a Tag Group first within Airship. Steps outlined below.

Create Your Arena Tag Group on Airship

Arena attributes events to profiles. To properly feed events into, and associate events with, Arena profiles, named_user_id properties must map to Arena profile userId properties.

Airship supports track and identify calls from Arena.

  • track attributes custom events to named users in Airship.

  • identify sets tags for named users.

To take advantage of identify features, you must set up an Airship tag group called arena-integration.

  1. Go to Settings » APIs & Integrations » Tag Groups.

  2. Click Create Tag Group and configure the fields.
    Name: This name appears elsewhere in the dashboard, so choose something easily understandable and that describes the associated database, e.g., “Arena Integrations”
    Description: The description should supplement the name, giving additional information about the tag group, if necessary. Be descriptive enough that anyone in your company would understand its source and purpose.
    Group Key: Enter arena-integration . This permanent, unique ID is the text you will use when referring to your tag group in the API.

    ⚠️ Do not enable the Allow these tags to be set only from your server setting. Enabling this setting prevents Arena from setting tags in Airship.

  3. Click Save.


To use the Arena Destination integration, you must implement Named Users in Airship. The Arena UserID must match the Named User ID in Airship.

If your named_user_id and UserID do not match, Airship will not be able to associate Identify or Track events to the proper user in Airship. This would prevent you from effectively issuing automated messages or attaching user attributes from Arena within Airship

See Tags and Named Users or the Named Users API for more information about configuring named users.


If you haven’t had a chance to review it, please take a look to understand what the Identify method does. An example call would look like:

arenaHub.identify('fd123fadf214fa', {
  new_customer: true,
  order_completed_last_60days: false,

Identify calls will be sent to Airship as an identify event. When an identify event is received, Airship will use the userId to set named users tags. To take advantage of identify features, in Airship you must setup a tag group called arena-integration and a named user must exist for the userId. The value of the property name will be true/false value.

Arena Identify to Airship Tags: Airship Tags are leveraged for profile enrichment, message triggering, segment building, and user analytics.

Example Use cases:

  • Identify call sets an Airship tag on a user with a flag as liking a specific product category

  • Identify call sets an Airship tag when a user registers for an account


Use this Destination to send track events to Airship for message triggering and analytics.

If you haven’t had a chance to review it, please take a look to understand what the Track method does. An example call would look like:

arenaHub.track('Product Clicked', {
  name: 'Air Jordans',
  brand: 'Nike ',
  price: 200,
  quantity: 1,
  variant: 'Red'

Track calls will be sent to Airship as a track event. When a track event is received, an Airship custom event will be created. The event’s properties will be automatically added as properties on the custom event and if revenue is present that will be set at the custom event’s value.

There is a maximum limit of 20 properties for track events. A custom event will not be created for a track event whose properties count exceeds the limit.

Arena Track Events to Airship Custom Events: Airship Custom Events are used to trigger automated messages for Mobile App, Web Notifications, Email, and SMS messages.

Example Use cases:

  • Track event triggers an Airship Custom Event on a user who has abandoned cart and an Airship message is triggered for reengagement

  • Track event triggers an Airship Custom Event on a user who uninstalled the app to trigger an SMS, Email, or Web Notification

Custom Events and Tags sent from Arena are automatically populated within Airship Performance Analytics reporting dashboards.

Leveraging this data in Airship

Follow the below guides for further explanation and the different ways of leveraging this data with Airship.


You can send computed traits and audiences generated through Arena Personas to this destination as a user property. To learn more about Personas, reach out for a demo.

For user-property destinations, an identify call will be sent to the destination for each user being added and removed. The property name will be the snake_cased version of the audience name you provide with a true/false value. For example, when a user first completes an order in the last 30 days, we will send an identify call with the property order_completed_last_30days: true, and when this user no longer satisfies we will set that value to false.

When the audience is first created an identify call is sent for every user in the audience. Subsequent syncs will only send updates for those users which were added or removed since the last sync.

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